Otvorimo vrata za roditelje
Svako dete je jedinstveno i dragoceno. Da bi raslo i razvijalo se, trebaju mu toplina ljubavi, brižnost i snaga, a njih crpi iz svog najbližeg okruženja.
Help children in crisis
Your generosity will help UNICEF provide life-saving and critical supplies like cash assistance, therapeutic food, access to water, and much more to the most vulnerable children of the world.
No Child Should Be Hungry
The worst hunger and poverty crisis of this generation.
Deca su po prirodi istraživači, prirodno su radoznala, sa urođenom motivacijom da uče. Da bismo podržali potencijale i razvijajuće kapacitete deteta, potrebno je obezbediti podsticajnu sredinu i kvalitetne odnose sa vršnjacima i odraslima u porodici, vrtiću i zajednici.
Dad, mom, we are with you!
In Serbia, there are around 60,000 young children whose parents need help in preparing their children with disabilities for life.
For children and youth. For the future.
Help us to improve the mental health of children and young people in Serbia together!
Donate now to help children in Turkiye and Syria
Devastating earthquakes shook southeast Turkiye and northern Syria, causing tens of thousands of casualties: according to initial estimates, thousands people have perished and far more have suffered injuries, thousands missing, including many children.
Children in Ukraine Need our Help
The conflict in Ukraine represents an immediate and growing threat to the lives and wellbeing of 7.5 million children from this country. Humanitarian needs are multiplying by the hour as the conflict is escalating.
Pomozite deci Sudana
Milioni dece u Sudanu pate dok traje najveća zaboravljena kriza. Izgladnelim devojčicama i dečacima hitno treba pomoć da bi preživeli.
Don't let the light of hope go out!
Now, more than ever, the most vulnerable children and families in Serbia need your help!
So small they could fit inside a heart
In neonatal intensive care units in Serbia, every day a struggle for survival unfolds. There, tiny prematurely born babies bravely fight to live another day, a bit stronger than they were the day before. Support these little giants’ struggle to help provide them with the best conditions for the start to life.
Inkluzivno obrazovanje
Podrška nastavnicima i školama: Radimo na tome da škole i nastavnici imaju pristup pomoćnim tehnologijama i asistivnim alatima kako bi obezbedili kvalitetno obrazovanje za svako dete.